$CU Staking FAQ

  1. Can I delegate my badge at any time?

    If you’re delegating a badge for the first time on the new staking website, yes! Make sure to delegate badges before staking and note that once a badge is delegated, it will be permanently tied to the delegated account, and will not be able to be used again.

  2. Can I un-delegate my badge if I want to at any time?

    No, once a badge has been delegated to an account, permanently tied to the delegated account.

  3. Can I use two of the same badges in the one staking wallet at once and get twice the boost?

    No, each staking wallet can only earn the boost once for each badge type. (E.g. A player with two (2) “I Survived Launch!” badges can only receive the bonus for the first “I Survived Launch!” badge delegated for each pool.)

    Note that Badges are delegated per pool (CU & CULP). If you delegated a badge to the CU pool, you still need to delegate it to the CULP to receive the associated boosts when staking CULP.

  4. What will happen if I forget to withdraw my $sCU or $sCULP deposits and expire?

    Expired $sCU or $sCULP deposits can be withdrawn under the “History” tab of the staking page.

  5. Can I claim the rewards along with my expired deposits at the end of the lockup period?

    Yes, you can but note that rewards can be claimed daily or at the end of the lockup period under the “Rewards” tab, and the expired deposits can be only withdrawn at the end of the lockup period from the “History” tab of the new staking page.

  6. What happens if I have a claimable reward on the old staking contract?

    You will be able to access the old staking website by clicking the link at the bottom of the overview page and claim the reward from there. Note that you will need to claim these rewards on the Polygon network.

  7. Are the badges that I delegated on the Staking v2 website automatically delegated on the native staking website?

    No, you will need to redelegate your badges before re-enabling your badge boost. Make sure to re-delegate your badges before staking a deposit. Existing deposits, however, will be migrated with the existing badge boosts that they had on the Staking v2 website.

Last updated