How to Stake $CU?


  • Delegate your badges prior to staking CULP! Badge Boosts will only be received on deposits once badges have been delegated. If the badges aren’t delegated before staking, you will miss out on the badge bonus!

  • Existing deposits will be migrated with the existing badge boosts that you had on Polygon, but you will need to re-delegate your badges before re-enabling your badge boost.

  • Make sure you have enough $ETH on Arbitrum for gas fees!

$CU is now the primary token of the Crypto Unicorns ecosystem, replacing $RBW after we migrated over to XAI. If you haven’t migrated your $RBW to $CU yet, check out our $RBW to $CU guide to get you started.

Head over to the staking website (link coming soon) and go to the “Overview” tab. On the $CU block, click the “Stake” button.

Next, input the amount of $CU you want to stake in the popup. Then, choose your preferred duration for your $CU to be staked, you have the option to stake from 1 month to 12 months. Like $CULP longer you stake, the higher the sAsset amount you will receive. The Badge Bonus, Estimated APR, Timeblock Convert, and Cumulative Convert will also be shown on the popup.

Once, you’ve finalized the amount of $CU and duration to stake, click the “Stake” button. A blockchain transaction will pop up. “Confirm” to proceed with staking and wait for the transaction to be completed. Once the transaction completes, you’ve now successfully staked $CU.

Last updated