How to Obtain $CULP?

Note: Make sure you have enough $ETH for gas fees!

You obtain $CULP by adding liquidity to the $CU/$ETH liquidity pool on the native staking portal. You will need to purchase $ETH and $CU outside the staking portal (purchase ETH and CU at Camelot) then take the tokens to add liquidity on our staking portal.

Connect your wallet to our staking portal (link coming soon) then head over to the $CULP block. There, you will find the “Add Liquidity” button.

Click it and enter $CU amount and the equivalent $ETH amount that you would like to acquire. When you add liquidity, you are adding an equal value to each token to mint CULP tokens. Click “Approve and Add Liquidity” to proceed.

After clicking the “Approve and Add Liquidity” button, a popup will show the estimated amount of CULP tokens that you will receive. Click “Confirm” once you’re good with the amount of tokens you’ve deposited.

A blockchain transaction will pop up. Confirm the transaction to proceed.

Once the transaction is completed, a prompt saying “Success” should pop up on your screen.

Once you have added liquidity, you will be able to stake your CULP tokens to generate rewards.

IMPORTANT: ADD LIQUIDITY ON THE CU STAKING PORTAL! If you’re adding liquidity via Camelot DEX, please do not turn your proof of liquidity into an NFT, as this cannot be staked via our contract and will not generate leaderboard points.

Last updated