Breeding Reward Bounties

To encourage players to continue breeding Unicorns with multiple Mythic parts, there are global bounties for the players that breed the first 6-part (Legendary) Unicorns on each class.

Available Breeding Bounties

  • First 6-part Mythic Flower Unicorn - 25,000 $CU

  • First 6-part Mythic Moon Unicorn- 25,000 $CU

  • First 6-part Mythic Heart Unicorn - 25,000 $CU

  • First 6-part Mythic Candy Unicorn - 25,000 $CU

Claimed Breeding Bounties

  • First 6-part Mythic Rainbow Unicorn - 25,000 $CU - CLAIMED August 9, 2024

  • First 3,000 Total Stats Unicorn (without gems) - 25,000 $CU - CLAIMED August 9, 2024

  • First 6-part Mythic Crystal Unicorn - 25,000 $CU - CLAIMED August 9, 2024

  • First 6-part Mythic Cloud Unicorn - 25,000 $CU - CLAIMED July 23, 2024

  • First 6-part Mythic Omnom Unicorn - 25,000 $CU - CLAIMED July 18, 2024

  • World First Legendary (6-part) Mythic (Star) - 500,000 $RBW - CLAIMED January 16, 2024

  • World First Epic (5-part) Mythic - 100,000 $RBW - CLAIMED May 1st, 2023

Last updated