
The Shadow Forge begins on the Harvest tab, where players will be able to stake their individual Shadowcorns to begin harvesting resources, like Husks and Ingredients.

When staking a Shadowcorn for reaping, players will have to select either a Husk or Ingredient to reap for collection. Shadowcorns are most efficient when reaping husks that match their class; however, they can be directed to reap whichever resource you need the most.


The amount of Husks a Shadowcorn can harvest depends on its stats, class, rarity, and Shadow Forge level.

Shadowcorn stats provide a baseline for husk production, which is then amplified by other factors:

Stat Baselines

Fire Husk = Might Stat/100

Slime Husk = Wickedness Stat/100

Volt Husk = Tenacity Stat/100

Soul Husk = Cunning Stat/100

Nebula Husk = Arcana Stat/100

Class Bonus

50% Bonus if you produce a Husk whose class matches your Shadowcorn.

Rarity Bonus

Common: 10%

Rare: 100%

Mythic: 400%

Shadow Forge Level

The formula to calculate the harvest speed of a specific husk is:

(Stat Husk Production + Shadow Forge Bonus)*(1+Class Bonus + Rarity Bonus)

Harvest Supply Cap

A Shadowcorn can only harvest so much before it can’t carry anything more. If a staked Shadowcorn’s storage is full then it will no longer be able to harvest additional husks or ingredients until the controlling player unstakes the Shadowcorn for collection. Make sure to upgrade your Forge to increase your carrying capacity!

The formula to calculate supply cap is:

(Shadowcorn Total Stats/10 + Total Shadow Forge Level Storage Cap Increase)*(1+Rarity Bonus)


Players may also choose to send a Shadowcorn to harvest ingredients instead. Ingredients come in handy for upgrading the Shadow Forge Level or for crafting Shadow Forge Keys with special Rituals. They will also be used for crafting higher-tier minions in the future.

All Shadowcorns harvest Ingredients at the same rate: 1 per hour. This is the same regardless of Shadowcorn Stat, Class, Rarity, or Shadow Forge Level.

If you’re unable to play Shadow Forge for a couple of days, consider upgrading your Forge level for a lesser risk of hitting the supply cap.

Collecting the Harvest

Players can collect their rewards from harvesting at any time by simply unstaking their Shadowcorns through the ‘Reap Rewards’ button. Harvested Husks and Ingredients will be sent directly to the player’s wallet.

To minimize transactions, players can harvest and restake in the same transaction by checking the box that reads “RESTAKE AFTER REAPING REWARDS”. The Shadowcorn will be re-staked and sent to harvest the same Husk or Ingredient it was harvesting when it was unstaked.

Last updated